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IDEAS and EXPERIENCES  presented by Douglass A. White, Ph.D.


All books and articles posted on this site by Douglass A. White and other authors are copyrighted by the author (or the appointed copyright holder) with all rights reserved. However, each author represented on the site grants the right to download and print such articles for personal or educational use only. Any commercial use of this material requires written permission from the author or the author’s appointed agent.

Books and Articles, On Line and Off

E-Published by DeltaPoint Educational Technologies dpedtech@bentylightgarden.com

(c) Douglass A. White, 2002, 2003. 2005, 2007  All Rights Reserved

  • Some Helpful Tools for exploring materials on this website or upgrading your own life in terms of ideas and experiences. (DOWNLOAD)
  • Some Criteria for Evaluating Tools. (DOWNLOAD)
  • Some Helpful Ideas for linking GIS to CMMS as an educational and technological experience in your own life. (DOWNLOAD)



A Sampler of New Insights and Discoveries Developed in Observer Physics

* Palmer’s Theorem defines the relations among the observer, his beliefs, and his experiences.

* The Mental (Mathematical) Space of ideas and the World Space of physics are mirror replicas of each other mediated by a special reflection principle.

* Operations in either space modify the structure and function of the conjugate space.

* Objects inherently have no mass or gravitational force. (Experimental evidence is provided.)

* All masses and forces originate from resistance in the observer.

* The observer is the prime mover in charge of all physical systems.

* Zel’dovich’s discovery of Four-Wave Mixing Phase Conjugation is a major paradigm breakthrough on the level of relativity and quantum mechanics. Observer Physics shows how to generalize it in a number of remarkable ways.

* Internally correlated quantum bubbles may be of any size and are managed by the observer.

Observer Physics describes some refinements of quark theory.

Observer Physics proposes a candidate for the Higgs particle (derived in 3 ways) and a precise model for super-string theorists to tangle with.

Observer Physics reveals how fundamental particles acquire their specific masses.

Observer Physics reveals details of the internal structure of the proton, and its relation to the electron.

Observer Physics resolves the question of “Where’s the missing antimatter?”

Observer Physics proposes a variety of experiments that can be done to test many of its claims, including the unification of gravity and the electrical force.

* Gravity is bipolar, its physical opposite pole being kinetic energy (or “entropy”).

* Gravity is generated by the observer’s use of will to bias undefined awareness.

* Electromagnetic exchange is initiated by an observer’s emission of attention particles.

* The graviton propagates at an FTL (Faster-Than-Light) velocity that is constant in a vacuum.

* FTL communication IS possible at the speed of the qwiff pop.

* FTL information transfer can occur without the causality violations predicted in current quantum theory. Observer Physics proposes a simple model of how to achieve this.

* The entropy of any system is defined by the observer’s choice of viewpoint.

(See the Table of Contents file for a detailed outline)


Exercise for Playing with Your Universe (How to Create Your Own Universe)

ASIN: B003H05RGM Currently available only at Amazon.com.

This booklet is a companion to Dr. White’s Manual, How to Create Your Own Universe and provides exercises to help you begin exploring the structure of the sample universe that he created in that book. Each exercise includes one or more solutions worked out so you can see some of the remarkable properties of the system and how it relates to our current understanding of the universe we live in. In a future planned workbook, Dr. White will create another sample universe for you to explore. Once you understand how the simple system works, you can create and play in your own universes.


How to create Your Own Universe (Observer Physics Papers)

ASIN: B003DTMRXS Currently available only at Amazon.com.

In this humorous monograph Dr. White concocts a magical formula for how to build your own universe starting from nothing — well at least you have to have some existence to work with. He presents the magic first as a pleasantly weird version of the traditional fairy tale “Snow White and the Seven [Quantum] Dwarves”. He waves a magic wand at a mystical quantum foam of emptiness. Suddenly space, time, and mass appear in the empty foam and start to spew out real particles with the properties that we observe in our universe. The formula is general, so you can make up your own universes to play in once you know the simple rules. While he is at it, Dr. White also introduces what he sees as the emerging paradigm of observer physics that will fully integrate the observer and his physical universe plus a program for a cosmic metrology.





“I experience what I believe, unless I believe I won’t, in which case I don’t, which means I did.”

– – Harry Palmer, Living Deliberately, p. 32. For the full text: http://www.avatarepc.com/

***THEORY OF OBSERVER PHYSICS. The answers to the following questions appear in the series of points in this article outlining the Theory of Observer Physics. The numbers after each question tell you where to find the answer. If you want the answer to the question, go directly to the point in the theory where the answer appears. Where does the Universe come from?

  • (2) What is the Unified Field?
  • (3) What is information?
  • (8) What is time?
  • (12) What is energy?
  • (13) What is space?
  • (15) How is information stored?
  • (16) What is motion?
  • (17) What is light?
  • (24) What is mass?
  • (25) What is gravity?
  • (26) What is quantum spin?
  • (27) What is electric charge?
  • (28) What is magnetism?
  • (29) Why does light seem to form a traveling wave that vibrates in two orthogonal transverse directions?
  • (30) Why are protons much fatter than electrons?
  • (32) What are photons?
  • (33) What is the fundamental energy flow circuit?
  • (34) Why are protons and electrons stable, and why do all protons and all electrons seem to look alike?
  • (35) Where is the missing anti-matter?
  • (36) What is inertia?
  • (37) If you really want to know, here are the answers.

You may not like them. You may not agree. But at least here is a coherent theory that gives a reasonable answer to each of these questions that standard physics thoroughly fails to address. If you have a better answer, letæ—§ hear it. (You will also know the answer to how light travels through a vacuum, and you will pretty much be able to figure out the rest on your own or with some help from other articles on this site.)

 (DOWNLOAD)SOME PRINCIPLES AND DISCOVERIES OF OBSERVER PHYSICS: Brief Summaries to get a quick overview of recent findings. Regularly updated. Check document date. Latest version: April 19, 2007 with new material (see example of Moessbauer effect in discussion of nonlocality and details of relations among quarks and leptons in discussion of neutrinos and charge.).

(LINK TO) Click on the stars and link to Dan Winter’s latest update to his research on Golden Ratio fractal geometry and physics.  He shares information from a wide ranging group of scientists in various disciplines who have been working various aspects of this key component of what I call Observer Physics.  This work leads to an elegant theory of gravity, applications in developing clean energy resources, and many other exciting directions.  Check it out.


(LINK TO)To see a schematic ANIMATED GRAPHIC of the Observer Physics model of basic photon flow done by Frank van den Bovenkamp at Heart Coherence, click on the stars above. You can get a visual feel for the alternating propagation of photons/attention particles in space and time. You can use the mouse to control the motion and twist the image around. We can imagine that the vortex hole of the donut from which the ribbons emerge is an electron. Photons enter the electron from the singularity at the center of the donut and then spiral outward and forward in time. When they reach the rim of the donut they move across an expanse of space (the donut’s outside) until they encounter a bound positron (the other vortex hole of the donut) and start to fall inward. They spiral into the donut hole sucked by the antimatter vortex and move downward (backward in time) into the singularity where they tunnel back in time to the pair creation and again emerge and spiral out of the electron vortex. Thanks Frank for creating a wonderful demo. As far as I know the first computer mapping of a fractal phi spiral to a torus was done with an early 3D program by geometer mathematician Dan Winter who is also part of the Heart Coherence team. For lots of great computer graphics related to phi spirals prepared by that team visit their site. Goldenmean.info is another site with a lot of related material. To see a simple experiment you can do at home to generate the vortex portion of the torus, click here and link to JLN labs: JL Naudin’s Vortex in a Bottle.Be sure to click at the bottom of that page to see the “Vortex Sphere”. Then go to the bottom of that page to see the toroid path of the water highlighted. It is distorted by the glass sphere, but you can see the basic structure of fractal gravitational implosion followed by a spatially inflated recycle on the “outside” of the donut. Compare to Bovenkamp’s animation.

(LINK TO)This is another animation. Like the previous animation you can twist it around to view it from any angle. You can watch the waves fall into the vortex or swirl out of the vortex. The site is http://www.heartcoherence.com/tetraphysics/. Also recommended: http://www.heartcoherence.com/Starmother/.

(LINK TO)Here is a little non-technical article by Frank with another nice java animation: The Photon as a model of heterodyne phase-conjugate soliton creation. You might also want to look at another little article by Frank called “Why Phi?” Michael Heleus has a brief article showing a relationship between the “Big 4 Constants: 2, e, pi, and phi.” B4C. Based on those findings Dr. Salvatore Giandinoto has taken phi deep into quantum physics by demonstrating its incorporation into the Schroedinger Wave Function: “Phi in the Schroedinger Wave Function”. Dr. White expands Giandinoto’s wave function to show how the Scaling Operator works inside the Fundamental Quantum Factor (Hc), where H is the h-bar constant and c is light speed. This shows mathematically how an observer projects space time with mass and energy from his own consciousness. The Scaling Operator in the Time Independent Schroedinger Wave Equation. In his article “The Basic Approaches of Observer Physics” pp. 5-9 (see next starred item below) Dr. White demonstrates how the spatial displacements (b) = 1 meter and (%) = 3.16227766…. meters relate to these numbers and the fundamental structure of physics.

Square Root of 10 This links to a fascinating article on ancient math techniques using the magic of 3.16227766…. by Charles William Johnson at Earth/Matrix: Science in Ancient Artwork and Science Today. To see the first million digits of this number courtesy of Robert Nemiroff and Jerry Bonnell and a bit of NASA’s weekend computing time, click here: (LINK TO)


(LINK TO) OBSERVER PHYSICS: Essays Related to Modern Physics. This section of the website contains a variety of articles by Dr. White and other writers on controversial topics in modern physics. Some articles are written for the layman and some are more technical. Some contain older material that has been updated, but are interesting from a historical perspective. However, all are accessible to an attentive reader. Some articles are intended to encourage creative thinking outside of the box of current paradigms. The math is simple and mostly at high-school level. Explore and enjoy. Comments, suggestions, and corrections are welcome. For some quick previews, see the listed articles below and the brief summaries presented in the above article.

This is The Great Velocity Equation that results from the findings of Einstein and de Broglie in the early 20th century. The “Vm” dimension represents the velocity of an object with mass in physical space with respect to the observer. It defines the space “in front of” the observer’s viewpoint in terms of multiples of a standard unit of distance (meter) per a standard unit of time (the second). For example, if you move toward me (or away from me), the observer, at a fixed velocity, the “Vm” dimension indicates how far you will travel in one second. It goes in both directions since motion is relative (i.e., you moving toward me is the same as my moving toward you in the opposite direction.) The “Vi” dimension represents the velocity of an imaginary object in mental space. This is a real phase velocity that results from an observer imagining relationships and interactions between objects that actually have no connection. It extends in two opposite directions at 90 degrees to the trajectory of the massive object (to the right and left of the observer’s attention vector.) The “default” interaction of mass and imagination is always c squared, the fundamental velocity of light. This is the standard from which we judge other motions. It extends outward from the observer in the direction of his attention vector and orthogonal to that direction (as a wave front) at light speed. An observer generally maintains a low intensity attention vector in all directions and a high intensity vector bundle in a selected area of focus. The slower a massive object moves, the faster its phase velocity becomes. If the object comes to rest, its phase velocity encompasses the universe in a flash. An observer generally has attention on a relatively motionless environment around him. The phase velocity thus generates the impression that the observer and his local environment is embedded in a virtually infinite universe. This is the motivation for meditation. If you bring your attention on the physical world into a state of deep rest and silence, the phase velocity of your attention instantly spans the universe. If you set c = 1, then Vm will be a fraction with a value less than 1, and Vi will be its reciprocal: e.g., (1/2)(2/1) = (1)(1) = 1. As Vm becomes a smaller and smaller fraction, the reciprocal value of Vi becomes larger and larger. As Vm approaches zero, Vi approaches infinity. The trick is to reach a deep motionless state without falling asleep. This is done by shifting conscious attention to the phase velocity as the “mass” velocity reduces toward zero. A number of simple techniques easily enable this experience.

(DOWNLOAD) Notes and Derivation of The Great Velocity Equation

(LINK TO) Click on the stars to visit the Electrogravity site presenting the research by Jerry Bayles. There you will find many of his papers plus his book, ELECTROGRAVITATION AS A UNIFIED FIELD THEORY. (DOWNLOAD) The stars here take you to Dr. White’s preliminary comparison of EG with OP. Bayles and White reach many similar conclusions.

(LINK TO) Bubble Dynamics: Click on the stars here to visit the GrandUnification.com site by John T. Nordberg. This young engineer has a theory that starts from taking the speed of light as a “natural unit” standard for velocity and time. Relative velocities become fractions of c. Then he develops a theory that photons travel in spherical waves. This unifies waves and particles and leads to a fractal universe in which everything is made from “balls of light” of various densities and harmonic configurations. He identifies gravity as the Poynting vector. In a “ball of light” the electric and magnetic components are like longitude and latitude lines and the Poynting vectors point at the central singularity. He claims to have done experiments that show how the magnetic vectors flip directions on the hemispheres of the balls. Right or not, he definitely has balls. See my comments in OP 10 on the Poynting vector. See JL Naudin’s demonstration of Poynting Thrust, which is due to what I call the conjugate Poynting vector. Read carefully Feynman’s Lectures Vol 2: 27 “Field Energy and Field Momentum” for “respectable” insights into what goes on. Most people have no idea how weird it is. Unless I’m mistaken he says things like the light from your electric light bulb is energy sucked in from space and then radiated back out. The orthogonal orientations of the electric, magnetic, and Poynting vectors (what I call the Three Dimensional Twists) lead to many interesting effects. I’ll soon be posting an article with summaries of Feynman and some analysis. Don’t look for electric space ships right around the corner (unless you really know how they work), but you can get a much better understanding of the relation between electromagnetism and gravity. Nordberg’s Balls of Light Theory sounds to me just like a restatement and broad application of Huygens’ Principle (standard stuff): ��Every point on a propagating wavefront serves as the source of spherical secondary wavelets, such that the wavefront at some later time is the envelope of these wavelets. (Hecht, Optics, 3rd ed., p. 103)  The primary, of course, is a spherical point source (e.g. an electron). We add to this Sommerfeld’s principle of wavefront continuity (Sommerfeld, Optics, p. 151) and Hecht’s statement, 蝳�Photons are timeless.  (Hecht, Optics, p.85). That tells us light (awareness) is basically continuous and the balls of light produce an illusion of quantum mechanical effects because of their “ballness”. Then we pull in Feynman’s humorous admission that the whole thing has a hole in it: 撌Υhen we try to calculate the field from all the charges including the charge itself that we want the field to act on, we get into trouble trying to find the distance, for example, of a charge from itself, and dividing something by that distance, which is zero.  (Lectures 1: 28-3.) For that one, see Dr. White’s electron model. Dividing by nada puts you in undefined awareness. See Dr. White’s discussion of the calculus in OP 1, “The Riddle of the Sphinx: The Mysterious Role of Mathematics in Physics”. Nordberg’s Ball theory seems easily testable and his experiments easily duplicated, so his ideas will either stand up or be discarded fairly soon. However it all shakes out you might want to browse his photo gallery of amazing cosmic events out there in Big Space. . . “Goodness, Gracious, Great Balls of Fire!”

(LINK TO)Click on the Stars for some articles about Robert Moon’s Model of the Atom, Periodic Table, and study of Ampere/Weber Electrodynamics.

(DOWNLOAD)Click on the stars for some notes on The Nature of Time and Time Travel.

(DOWNLOAD)NEW! The Quantum Mechanisms of Pyrophosphate and Their Postulated Role in the Rise of Life. Here is a remarkable paper on the Origin of Life. The late Dr. Leo Baranski analyzes the primordial conditions on Planet Earth and discovers the secret energy mechanism that jump starts life on a primitive planet. I post this paper with the kind permission of Dr. James Watson.

(LINK TO)Click on the stars to go to JLN Labs.org by Jean Louis Naudin. This is a really wonderful site dedicated to testing and verifying new concepts and applications in science and technology. It is filled with fascinating materials, some of which have been lying around ignored for over a hundred years and some of which are brand new creative ideas.

Fractal Sri Yantra Pyramid animated courtesy of Dan Winter


To explore the fascinating mathematical and ancient cultural artistic world of string figures, visit Inoli Murphy’s site at http://www.torusflex.com.

(LINK TO)Click on the stars to go to the HUMANITIES SECTION for Dr. White’s SENET TAROT ORACLE DECK and lots of articles on ancient Egypt and other ancient civilizations,as well as a plan for putting the USA quickly back on a sound financial footing.

* Disclaimer: This site does not endorse or condone any errors, distortions, or in some cases even frauds, perpretrated by New Age “gurus” (or establishment “experts”). Nevertheless, despite all the ballyhoo and bs the scientific study of consciousness has made significant progress through the bold assertions and experiments of many eccentric individuals. To all a reminder: caveat emptor. All material on this site is subject to critical scrutiny and correction in case factual or transcriptional errors have crept into the material. Some of the theories are highly speculative. Treat them with an open mind or as a form of science fiction.

English Home Page

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Observer Physics honors the achievements of the many great minds ofan>d Physics: Euclid, Archimedes, Isaac Newton, Ruggiero Boscovich, Leonhard Euler, Jean Baptiste Fourier, Georg Cantor, George Johnstone Stoney, Pierre Curie, James Clerk Maxwell, Robert Millikan, Nikola Tesla, Albert Einstein, Louis de Broglie, Henri Poincare, E. Zermelo, Ernst Mach, Max Planck, Niels Bohr, Max Born, Werner Heisenberg, Paul A. M. Dirac, Erwin Schroedinger, Eugene Wigner, Richard Feynman, Fred Hoyle, George Gamov, B. Y. Zel’dovich, Benoit Mandelbrot, John Archibald Wheeler, Laurent Notalle, Stephen Hawking, David Bohm, Yakir Aharonov, John Bell, Buckminster Fuller, Lancelot Law Whyte, Leo Baranski, Stephen Wolfram, Roger Penrose, Kurt Goedel, David Hestenes, George Spencer-Brown, John Cramer, Mendel Sachs, Fred Alan Wolf, Thomas Etter, Richard Shoup, Harry Palmer, and so many others.

Selected Topics: Avatar Materials, Free Energy, Diminant, Dimitant, Fourier Analysis, Quantum Mechanics, qwiff, Quantum Electrodynamics, Special Relativity, General Relativity, boson, fermion, Pauli exclusion, Unified Field Theory, String Theory, Fractals, Big Bang, Inflation, alpha problem, phi (Golden Ratio), %, galactic rotation curves, quarks, fundamental particles, EPR, FTL, Star Wave, Phase Conjugation, black holes, Planck’s constant, Speed of Light, Group Waves and Phase Waves, Axiom of Choice, the nature of gravity, Bose-Einstein Condensation, superconductivity, superfluids, quantum tunnelling, rotational kinematics, science of consciousness. Laws of Form, Link Theory, Link Physics, Unitary Bosons (Bu particles)

New Age Contributors to “Mind Science”: Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung, L. Ron Hubbard, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Drunvalo Melchizedek, Osho, Avatar Da Free John, Ramtha, Dan Winter, Nick Herbert, Larry Domash, John Hagelin, and many more.*

Special New Age Topics: Egyptian Book of Coming Forth by Day, Tarot, I-jing, Qabbalah (Kabbalah), Sacred Geometry, Sufi Wisdom, Scientology, Transcendental Meditation, Science of Creative Intelligence, Yoga, Babaji, Science Conspiracy Theories. (If you are reading this material at the bottom of the homepage, you should go to the Observer Physics section and read Baranski’s “Temporal Characteristics of Dynamic Contour Perception”.)*